[sebhc] PAM8AT historical info

Steven Parker sp11 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 27 09:52:46 CST 2005

Jim Tittsler wrote:
>Ooh.  I feel so "enshrined."

Oh neat!  Is this your puppy then?  You forgot to put your name in the 
source header.

In that case I have a few questions:
1. Was it ever a heath or hug product?  And what was its part number?
2. If so, do you have a production chip?  This listing may have been a 
prelim version.
3. What does the bit of code between 004.116 and 004.216 do?  There are no 
vectors into it from the ROM (and no comments in the source).
4. And what does "AT" stand for?

>I remember looking for space in the ROM so I wouldn't have to
>worry about moving any entry points.

I guess you didn't find any.  Pam8AT is a 2K ROM instead of a 1K like Pam8 
and Pam8Go.  The upside is now we can embed a document describing the chip's 
history in the unused space.  :-)


- Steven

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