<div><BR><BR><B><I>Bob Shannon <bshannon@tiac.net></I></B> wrote:</div> <div> </div> <div>> <FONT face=Arial size=2>I have a Heathkit Hero 2000...<</FONT></div> <div> </div> <div>Hello Bob,</div> <div> </div> <div>I have read some interesting stuff about Hero 2000:</div> <div> </div> <div>1-one 8088 for main processing; eleven 8042 processors for individual<BR>function control.</div> <div>2- HERO 2000 can write its own BASIC program.</div> <div>3- twelve epansion slots.</div> <div> </div> <div>How open aechitecture are Hero 2000 manuals and does it provide source<BR>lisrings for its ROM?</div> <div> </div> <div>Thank you</div> <div> </div> <div>ziloo </div><p> 
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