[sebhc] HDOS & IDE (was: H-8 question from a new list member)

Eric J. Rothfus eric at rothfus.com
Thu Apr 1 15:32:23 CST 2004

> If someone has used a 128k SRAM chip (I think that was Eric) for
> memory I would be interested in which device was used. That might be
> something that could be included on the eventual circuit
> board. Also, does anyone know if the edge connectors are still
> available?

Yup, that was me.  I use it in the SVD device I've built.
And I had a very important reason for using the one I did...
I found them for a buck a piece on E-Bay!  You can find
the schematic for the SVD which uses the chip on www.theSVD.com
in the PCB & Schematic section.  The device I found was a
Samsung KM681000BLP-7, though it is pin-compatible with
many 128k X 8 devices such as the TC551001CP (I forget the
manufacturer).  I use two different parts in the SVD and they
both work fine.

Regarding the connectors, you can find them on Digikey and
Mouser as well as at Frys.  However, in my never-ending quest
to my the SVD cheap, I've found a great source of 34-pin edge-
card connectors...old floppy cables.  The old connectors are
quite robust and appear to be able to handle being taken off
of an existing cable and re-used.  We have a Goodwill Computer
Store here in Austin, and I'm able to get old floppy cables
with 3 or 4 connectors for $.50 a piece.  Let me know if you
need a few.

> I am also genning up a web page on my home server that I might be
> able to post pictures on and schematics, source code, etc. When I
> get something worth reading I will give out the IP address (which
> changes every 30 days or so. Good old Verizon DSL).

Check out no-ip.com.  They can help you attach a name to that
changing DSL IP address.


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