[sebhc] USB for the H8?

Deb and Glenn Roberts gfroberts at adelphia.net
Thu Apr 1 18:43:11 CST 2004

I think all the discussion on how to interface to "modern" storage (e.g.
IDE, flash memory, or cabling to a PC) is right on target. The only real
problem I have with the H8 is the reliability of the old hard-sectored disk
media and the H17 drives (having to clean the heads a lot which presumably
means the oxide is continuing to erode)


Has anyone given any given any thought to building a simple USB adapter for
the H8?  It seems there are lots of inexpensive solutions for adding USB.
Add an inexpensive thumb drive and write a device driver and you're in
business. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's tried it given this
some thought.


-          Glenn


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