[sebhc] H8-5

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Mon Apr 12 11:56:07 CDT 2004

I've got an H8-5 that I would trade for an H8-10 prototype board (or
H8-7 breadboard, second choice)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at staunch89er.com [mailto:sebhc at staunch89er.com] On 
> Behalf Of Carroll Waddell
> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 11:43 AM
> To: sebhc at staunch89er.com
> Subject: [sebhc] H8-5
> Does anyone have an H8-5 or H8-4 that they would be willing 
> to sell? CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
> --
> This list is for Beta testers of the SEBHC Mailing List
> sebhc-request at staunch89er.com.

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