[sebhc] Optima Case for Altair

His Excellency, Robert robert at ameritech.net
Mon Apr 12 23:08:06 CDT 2004

Hello, not sure if the "Altair" type cabinet is still made, or who 
retails the product, but here's the latest info I found.....

About Optima EPS
Optima EPS is a leading designer and manufacturer of electronic 
cabinets. Optima serves leading electronic and communications OEMs 
throughout North America. The company´s products, whether custom, 
modified-standard or standard design, are manufactured to meet customer 
specifications. Optima EPS is located at 2166 Mountain Industrial Blvd. 
Tucker, GA 30084-5088 Tel: (770) 496-4000 Fax: (770) 496-4041

Bob Weir
robert at ameritech.net

Paul Pennington wrote:

>Lee Hart said:
>>The cabinet of the Altair is a generic off-the-shelf Optima enclosure.
>>It is still available today.
>    Can you tell me who carries the Optima line?  Digi-Key doesn't.
>    Paul Pennington
>    Augusta, Georgia
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