[sebhc] H8 firmware request (forwarded non-member message)

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Mon Apr 12 23:37:00 CDT 2004

Steven (or anyone else) - what are the PROM equivalents for the various


> From: "Steven Parker" 
> Hi, I'm a new subscriber to this list.  I used to work at 
> Heathkit, wrote 
> articles for HUG, developed several HDOS software items, and was the 
> designer of the H-8-37 Z-80 upgrade (and author of PAM-37 - 
> you'll find my 
> name imbedded in the high end of the address space).
> Ironically, I never got an H-8-37 for myself.   Could anyone 
> who has one
> send me a dump of the PAM-37 ROM?  While I'm at it, does 
> anyone have dumps 
> handy for PAM-8, PAM8GO, or the H-17 ROMs?  Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> --
> This list is for Beta testers of the SEBHC Mailing List
> sebhc-request at staunch89er.com.

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