[sebhc] H8 hardware request - docs, info

Carroll Waddell CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
Wed Apr 14 08:24:28 CDT 2004

FYI. What I'm planning to do is to build a new box with all the audio 
conversion components of the H8-5 in an external box that I can connect 
to the serial port of a PC. Then in the H8, I will have a simple serial 
port (8251). That way, I can read or write cassette tapes from either a 
PC or the H8.
Hope to get my file server back up today.

Dave Dunfield wrote:

>At 17:57 13/04/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>>My file server is down at the moment. As soon as I get it back up, I 
>>will email the images. I referred to them as PID tapes (Program Image 
>>Distribution). All the images are pure binary with a PID file extension.
>>Also, do you know where I can get an H8-5 interface card? Most of my H8 
>>stuff was lost long ago.
>Thanks - that would be very helpful.
>Sorry, I just got my H8 a short while ago, and I have not yet built up a
>good list of support resources - I'm sure someone in this list can help.
>I have the H5 documentation if you need it.

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