[sebhc] H8 start-up diagnostics?

Dave Dunfield dave04a at dunfield.com
Tue Apr 20 17:00:26 CDT 2004

At 21:47 20/04/2004 GMT, you wrote:
>Greetings all:
>I would like to fire up my H8 to see if it works. All I have is the H8 itself, I do not have a terminal or any other peripherals--and no books. Am guessing there is some procedure to see if the CPU is working correctly. Anybody know the magic keystrokes?
>Many thanks!
>Chuck / WA7ZZE

Hi Chuck,

I just posted the H8 operation manual (PDF) to my "old computers" web site:


Go to the H8 section and scroll to the end and you will see a link to it.
The very first section has some test procedures.

There are a few other original H8 manuals there as well - and more to come
(when I find the time to do more scanning).

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com             Vintage computing equipment collector.

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