[sebhc] new postings to SEBHC archives

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 21 13:02:43 CDT 2004

Jack Rubin wrote:
> If possible, when posting material please try to use the Heath part
> number as part of the title to make reference a little easier (e.g.
> PAM37-595-2908.pdf rather than PAM-manual.pdf).
> I've been using Acrobat 6.0 to create my .pdf files, using the
> Version 5 compatability setting which means the documents should
> be readable with Acrobat Reader 5.0 and forward. If you have trouble
> reading a doc, please be sure your reader is at least at the 5.0
> level.

Recognize that many of us interested in old computers are also USING old
computers. For example, I do all my email and web browsing with DOS
6.20, Windows 3.1, and Netscape 3.04.

A long name like "PAM37-595-2908.pdf" gets truncated to "PAM37-59.PDF".
If there were any spaces in the name (an illegal character in 8x3
filenames), it would be totally unreadable.

Acrobat Reader 3.0 is the last version available for Win 3.1. An Acrobat
5.0 file is unreadable. There is nothing in the Heath manuals that
requires the later format.

I also live in a rural area, and only have dial-up access. Using huge
file formats adds tremendously to my download time.

My worst-case scenario (which is happening ever more often) is that
someone scans a 1-page text-only document and posts it as a "long and
flowery filename.pdf" that takes forever to download, and then can't be
opened because Acrobat 3.0 can't read it, and can't be deleted because
of the d**ned spaces in the file name!

I would like to thank people like Jack for taking the time to scan and
post documents like these to save these manuals. I realize that it is
easiest to use whatever default format your computer and software
provides. But, if the goal is to make it as widely availalbe as
possible, and to *remain* available in the future despite the contantly
shifting software landscape, then it may be worth a little more time to
use the simplest format that does the job; not the newest/greatest.
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the
world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has!" -- Margaret Meade
Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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