[sebhc] new postings to SEBHC archives

Dave Dunfield dave04a at dunfield.com
Wed Apr 21 13:18:06 CDT 2004

>Recognize that many of us interested in old computers are also USING old
>computers. For example, I do all my email and web browsing with DOS
>6.20, Windows 3.1, and Netscape 3.04.

I'm with you - DOS 5.0 - Win 3.1 when I really have to. Unfortuantely more and more
web pages are unreadable with my ancient version of Netscape.

I had to setup a winblows system in order to be able to use one of my scanners,
however I use Adobe 4.0 which I find is compatible with 3.01, at least within
the subset that I use. You should be able to read all of the documents that I
have scanned. Acrobat 5 is a bloated piece of garbage (4 loads on the old 166
I have sentanced to winblows in about 10 seconds - 5 takes nearly a minute) - I
have flushed it. I also find that 5 is not nearly as compatible with older
versions, meaning that I probably won't even bother trying to download PDF's
from the sebhc site.

I also scan the docs in Black and White (1 bit) at the minimum resolution at
which they can still be read without unreasonable effort. Some of the larger
manuals get up to 2mb, however this is still accessable over a dial-up (I know,
as I am on one) - in contrast, some of the other manuals which I have put up
are fewer pages, but having been scanned by others without regard for size are
10, 20 even 30mb!

I also keep my own web pages very simple - generic hand written HTML, no
javascript, no microsloth custom extensions etc. It reads fine under old
versions of netscape (unfortunately my wife who maintains the company page
uses Microslots f***page which renders those pages unreadable to a good
many people).

I avoid long filenames where at all possible (I hate having to type the damn
'~'s) and NEVER put spaces into a filename - even when I am forced to work on

Can I register my vode for simplifying things as well?
(Acrobloat 5 - arghhh!!!)

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com             Vintage computing equipment collector.

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