[sebhc] New Media Order

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 25 19:18:02 CDT 2004

Lee Hart wrote:
>> I still have blank Z89-37 soft-sector boards, and most of the parts
>> to build them, if you're "up" for building one as a kit.

Walter Moore wrote:
> I'm up for it.  Do the parts that you have include the three ROMs
> that I would need for the H89?  If not, any suggestions on how to
> acquire them?

All the parts except for a few ICs and the 25-pin bus connector (same
one as the H9) are generic and easy to get. Here is a list of the ICs:

U1	74LS245 (or HC)
U2	74LS240 (remove from CPU board and put on Z89-37 board)
U3	74LS148 (remove from CPU board and put on Z89-37 board)
U4	Heath 444-82 PAL (programmed MMI 10H8 or equivalent)
U5	74LS03 (or HC)
U6	Heath 444-81 PAL (programmed MMI 10H8 or equivalent)
U7	74LS74 (or HC)
U8	96L02 or 4528B
U9	LOCO2-16 16 MHz crystal oscillator (B.G. Micro $1.79)
U10	74LS161 (or HC)
U11	74LS273 (or HC)
U12	WD1797 floppy disk controller (B.G.Micro $5.50)
U13	74LS157 or 74LS257 (or HC)
U14	74123 (or LS or HC)
U15	74LS367 or 4503B
U16	WD1691
U17	74LS624
U18	WD2143-03
U19-22	7406 or 7416
U23	78L05

I have a few of the WD1797, WD2143-03, and WD1691 but am reluctant to
sell them if it leaves me with no spares and makes the remaining bare
boards I have unusable. I bought them from B.G.Micro but that was
several years ago; only the WD1797 is listed in their current catalog. I
haven't tried looking anywhere else for them.

On the H89 CPU board you need (to boot from the Z89-37):

U518	444-142 MTR-90 (2732 4Kx8 EPROM; I have them and can program
	more if needed)
U550	444-61 I/O decoder (TI 28L22 256x8 PROM; I have them and can
	program them)

> I guess I'd also need the HDOS driver for it.

That part's easy. I have the HUG disk with it. In fact, there are
several variations, with different features.

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the
world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has!" -- Margaret Meade
Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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