[sebhc] HDOS disks

Peter peter59 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 14 21:57:07 CDT 2004

My first post to the list. I learned of it from a user who had bid on an H89
on e-bay and I contacted him. Some of you might remember me as the author of
EMULATE and some hardware for the H89. My company name went from Analytical
Products to ANAPRO Corp. Alas, it has been a very long time since I worked
in the Heath arena and I now need some help remembering!
I lost (as in probably threw away) my original Heath CP/M and HDOS disk.
However, working boot disks are still around. What I don't remember is what
files were on the HDOS 2 master distribution disks. Can anyone help me with
this? In particular what would a soft-sector boot disk have? 
If anyone still has interest in the EMULATE or CPC software, I would be
happy to provide it. I also have ZCPR/Z-System, but I don't know if it is
free to distribute since it was a copyrighted (not by me) software.
Thank you.
Peter Shkabara
peter59 at sbcglobal.net - http://www.geocities.com/anapro.geo/

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