[sebhc] h17 and h8d disk images
Dave Dunfield
dave04a at dunfield.com
Wed Sep 1 19:38:26 CDT 2004
At 18:55 01/09/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>I believe that NorthStar DOS (the original single density one) did use
>headers. I disassembled that OS, and my source code, fully commented, from
>1978, is on Howard's site.
Hi Barry,
I beg to differ - NS 'SD' dos actually calls the controller ROM for disk
operations, (which redirects write and verify back to the DOS code)
Here is the relavent snippet for the controller ROM code for a READ
(Note that the "wait for the right sector" function occurs BEFORE it vectors
back to DOS, so this code does apply to ALL disk operations.
... Entry/motor on etc. code snipped ...
E934 CD 64 E9 CALL $E964 ; Step to track
E937 C1 POP B ; <[210A] Sector/function
Here we wait for the sector to "come around" we do this by reading
the hardware register at $EB30, which is the 'B' status, and reflects
a hardware counter in the controller which counts index pulses. There
are NO data transfers ($EB50) while waiting for the right sector (hence
no header information written on the disk).
E938 CD CE E9 CALL $E9CE ; Wait one sector time
E93B 3A 30 EB LDA $EB30 ; Read B status
E93E E6 0F ANI $0F ; Save only sector number
E940 B8 CMP B ; Are we at sector
E941 C2 38 E9 JNZ $E938 ; No, wait for it
E944 E1 POP H ; <[210C] Ram address
E945 0D DCR C ; Test function
E946 FA 0A 20 JM $200A ; 00=Write \_ Redirect back to DOS
E949 C2 07 20 JNZ $2007 ; !01=Verify /
; Read block of data from drive
Here we wait for the "body" indicator which means that data is available -
still no actual data transfer from the drive
E94C 06 8C MVI B,$8C ; Timeout count
E94E 11 50 EB LXI D,$EB50 ; Read data <= Data register address
E951 0E 00 MVI C,$00 ; Read 256 bytes <= Sector size
E953 3A 10 EB LDA $EB10 ; Get status
E956 E6 04 ANI $04 ; Wait for Body
E958 C2 AE E9 JNZ $E9AE ; Body - ready for data
E95B 05 DCR B ; Reduce timeout
E95C C2 53 E9 JNZ $E953 ; Wait for it
E95F 3E 01 MVI A,$01 ; Report TIMEOUT error
E961 C3 AB E9 JMP $E9AB ; And exit
... intervening code snipped ...
Here is the FIRST time we read the data register, and we read it exactly
256 times while stuffing the data in memory (one sectors worth), and one
more time to get the check value - we never read any other data (header)
from the disk (Search the entire disassembly, and the only reference to
the data register is the LXI D which occurs above.
; Read data sector from disk
E9AE 41 MOV B,C ; Zero checkval
E9AF 1A LDAX D ; Read data byte
E9B0 77 MOV M,A ; Write to RAM
E9B1 A8 XRA B ; Compute
E9B2 07 RLC ; Check
E9B3 47 MOV B,A ; Resave check
E9B4 23 INX H ; Next RAM address
E9B5 0D DCR C ; Reduce count
E9B6 C2 AF E9 JNZ $E9AF ; Read them all
E9B9 1A LDAX D ; Read check value
E9BA A8 XRA B ; Does it match?
E9BB CA C4 E9 JZ $E9C4 ; Yes, it's OK
I have the N* sd controller documentation, including theory of operation
and schematics on my site, you can read through to see how the system
works. A couple of points to note:
Page 13 "Data Format"
Zeros 16 bytes
Sync Char(FB) 1 byte
Data 256 bytes
Check Char 1 byte
274 bytes
No sector header is mentioned at all.
Page 9 "Counter 1G is the sector position counter" (admittedly a bit
vague, however on schematic page 3, we see counter 1G is reset by the
"index" hole signal, and clocked by the "new sector" signal (follow these
back to see how they are generated) - it's outputs are labled "Sector
Counter to 8080 via MPXR" - MPXR is IC 4E, a multiplexor which controls
Status A or B selected, which is the register read at $EB30 above.
I wrote my DMF OS originally on this system - since the controller ROM
vectors back to stubs at $2000, and DMF loads a 256 byte stub at $0000,
and the rest at the highest 4K block in the system (in my case $F000),
I could not use the controller ROM once the system booted - therefore
I wrote my own complete set of low-level disk access functions for the
NorthStar single-density controller.
I also simulated this controller right down to the hardware register
level with correct timing in my Altair/NorthStar simulator...
In other words - I know this controller AND system software VERY WELL -
there is NO sector header information written on the diskette.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com Vintage computing equipment collector.
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