[sebhc] H89 roms

Robin England robin.england at dial.pipex.com
Tue Dec 13 05:36:41 CST 2005

Well, if you do get a chance to look, that would be great, thanks,
especially the 444-142 as this one is completely missing. In any case I'm
going to see if I can dump out the TMS part; I'll let you know how I get on.

Know what you mean about moving... a complete nightmare 'specially when
you've got lots of 8-bit stuff... ;-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Smith" <bandit1921 at cox.net>
To: <sebhc at sebhc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [sebhc] H89 roms

> I am thinking I might have one that is not of the dual voltage
> variety. Will require some looking to find it as we just moved here a
> few months ago and things are still here and there,if you know  what
> I mean.There might even be one in my working H89..It has a CDR board
> in it at the moment,only because, I have misplaced my Z37 board.
> At 10:53 AM 12/13/2005 +0000, you wrote:
> >I totally missed that one, Joe. Further checking and the 444-62 that I
> >is indeed a TMS 2716JL and the datasheet clearly shows a multi-supply
> >requirement of +12v, +5v and -5v as you say.
> >
> >Not surprising that my trusty S4 is having problems reading it (I'm
> >all locations = 00). Looking at the H88/89 schematic I can now see that
> >there are jumpers to allow the selection of a single-voltage 5v device
> >instead, which is good news seeing as I don't have a collection of the
> >parts...
> >
> >Thanks for looking for the binaries (or intelhex(es)) for the MTR ROMs.
> >like to get both these machines running again. Even if the original
> >is OK, it would be nice to have a backup copy. If you don't have a dump
> >this one, I'll look at building a simple reader for it so we can have
> >copies to burn into "normal" 2716s.
> >
> >Unfortunately I can't offer any help with regards to the H8 PCB you have
> >I don't have any H8 stuff, but perhaps something on these HDOS disks I
> >here could be of use to you (or anyone) once I get these machines going!
> >
> >Robin England
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Joe Smith" <bandit1921 at cox.net>
> >To: <sebhc at sebhc.org>
> >Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:26 AM
> >Subject: [sebhc] H89 roms
> >
> >
> > > I have the 444-142, and if I look I might have the 62 also,first one
> > > I found I cannot copy as if I remember correctly,the TMS series were
> > > dual voltage types.My burner won't read it correctly or it gave up on
> > > me,full of FF's.I'll look for the 62 in a different chip that I can
> > >
> > > I have a question on and H8 board I have,part number is 85-2204-1, I
> > > have no manual on it, I acquired it with some other stuff,it also has
> > > no parts stuffed in it,basically a brand new board. Anyone have an
> > > idea what it is? It is marked as a "Controller Board"
> > >
> > > Joe Smith
> > > joebandit
> > > jtsdadinaz
> > > Conbuilder debugger /Programmer
> > >
> > > --
> > > Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List
> >
> >--
> >Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List
> Joe Smith
> joebandit
> jtsdadinaz
> Conbuilder debugger /Programmer
> --
> Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List

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