[sebhc] H89 roms

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Tue Dec 13 10:41:39 CST 2005

We've got (most?) of the H8 roms in the archives; I'd be glad to add the H89 dumps as well. If nobody else supplies them, I can try to add them sometime "real soon now".

Barry Watzman <Watzman at neo.rr.com> wrote:
  It would be good to have an online library somewhere of hex dumps of the
various roms.

-----Original Message-----
From: sebhc-bounces at sebhc.org [mailto:sebhc-bounces at sebhc.org] On Behalf Of
Joe Smith
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:26 AM
To: sebhc at sebhc.org
Subject: [sebhc] H89 roms

I have the 444-142, and if I look I might have the 62 also,first one 
I found I cannot copy as if I remember correctly,the TMS series were 
dual voltage types.My burner won't read it correctly or it gave up on 
me,full of FF's.I'll look for the 62 in a different chip that I can read.

I have a question on and H8 board I have,part number is 85-2204-1, I 
have no manual on it, I acquired it with some other stuff,it also has 
no parts stuffed in it,basically a brand new board. Anyone have an 
idea what it is? It is marked as a "Controller Board"

Joe Smith
Conbuilder debugger /Programmer

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