[sebhc] H8 has arrived, and works, woo hoo!
Jack Rubin
jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Wed Feb 2 17:39:27 CST 2005
congrats - I know the feeling!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at sebhc.org [mailto:sebhc at sebhc.org] On Behalf Of
> Reed H. Petty
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 1:18 PM
> To: sebhc at sebhc.org
> Subject: [sebhc] H8 has arrived, and works, woo hoo!
> Thanks to all on the list. I have received a warm welcome
> and very much appreciate the tips and links to documentation, etc.
> The H8 that I purchased arrived today. After some assembly
> work and a bit of head scratching I was able to get it to
> power up, the panel to respond, and the diagnostic test
> routine keyed in. I was elated (understatement) to see "Your
> H8 is up and running"!
> The machine is humble, with only the processor, 8k of static
> ram, and the serial I/O card, and a AT style power supply,
> but it is a beginning!
> Thanks again.
> Reed,
> On Mon, January 31, 2005 1:11 pm, James E Cosper said:
> > Welcome,
> >
> > At 11:14 AM 1/31/05 -0600, you wrote:
> >>By way of introduction, long ago (late 70s) I assembled two
> H8's and
> >>an H89. This was my first introduction to computing which led to a
> >>career as a programmer. While my interests are all over the board
> >>(amateur radio WI3C, IFR pilot, linux kernel developer,
> etc, etc), the
> >>H8 remains close to my heart.
> >
> > Sounds familiar, I started with a SBC Cosmac Elf system, my first
> > 'real' computer was a H89, later I picked up a H8...
> >
> >>
> >>I have purchased an H8 that appears to be in working order, albeit
> >>without documentation. If there is anyone out there who
> can point me
> >>in the direction of the technical manuals (or additional H8 related
> >>hardware), I would be very grateful. I don't know if
> duplication of
> >>manuals is an option, but if it is I would be willing to
> pay for the
> >>duplication.
> >>
> >
> > You can find most of the H8 manuals as PDF's here:
> > http://www.sebhc.org/archive/documents/hardware/H8/
> >
> > You can use them as is or if you want paper, you can print
> them out.
> >
> > If you don't find what your looking for, let me know, I have some
> > manuals that I will be scanning, just haven't got to it yet.
> >
> > Later, James.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List
> >
> --
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