[sebhc] printer driver

Reed H. Petty rhp at draper.net
Wed Feb 23 10:36:43 CST 2005

On Tue, February 22, 2005 3:54 pm, Lee Hart said:
> Dave Dunfield wrote:
>> My very first printer was a Teletype Model-28, which I generated
>> baudot data for by toggleing the interrupt-enable line on my first
>> homebuilt 8080 (didn't use interrupts in that system) - now that's
>> going a long way back!
> Yes indeed! My first printer was a baudot teletype, left over from my
> ham radio RTTY work. 60 baud -- now *that* was slow!

45 baud Model 28 TTYs, sigh... reperferators, transmitter/distributors,
100KW HF radio into rhombic antennas, brings back memories of military
(paper) tape relay systems.  Somehow life seemed a lot simplier back then!

Reed (WI3C)
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