[sebhc] IC information

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 1 14:54:32 CST 2005

Dwight K. Elvey wrote:
>  A 7905 will take a short to ground for some time

Negative regulators like the 7905 are more fragile and persnickety than
positive regulators like the 7805. The rules and application notes about
positive regulators don't quite apply to negative regulators. Or rather,
there are *additional* problems for negative regulators that aren't
covered in the notes on positive regulators. So, they seem to have
higher failure rates.
If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do the great deeds worth repeating
	-- Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac
Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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