[sebhc] I need a CP/M boot disk

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 9 17:01:32 CST 2005

bill malcolm wrote:
> HI All:  I need a CP/M boot disk. Hard sectored -- My disk (boot
> track) got trashed. I will pay $10.00 for it -- I can send money
> via paypal or cash.

Bill, I can supply this. Just contact me directly via email or regular
mail (my address is at the bottom of this email). Do you know which
version of Heath CP/M you want -- 2.202, 2.203, or 2.204? You should
pick the one that matches the rest of your disks, or you will have
problems if you mix the old and new SYSGEN, MOVCPMXX, and CONFIGUR

Even with a replacement CP/M of the same version, you still may get a
"synchronization error" message if you mix up the SYSGEN and MOVCPMxx
files between old and new versions.

PS: your message apparently had a virus or something attached when you
sent it to the sebhc at sebhc.org listserver 9see below).
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> Content preview:  HI All: I need a CP/M boot disk Hard sectored -- MY
>   disk (boot track) got trashed . I will pay $10.00 for it -- I can send
>   money via paypal or cash. thank bill .. [...]
> Content analysis details:   (5.7 points, 5.0 required)
>  pts rule name              description
> ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
>  1.0 FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS      From: ends in numbers
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>  3.0 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK     Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do the great deeds worth repeating
	-- Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac
Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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