[sebhc] Re: [HEATH-TEMPE] H-89 Computer

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 20 01:27:37 CDT 2005

>> The main challenge is to find the software to format the hard
>> drive (the Heath PREP and PART programs) for a "normal" disk
>> and operating system. Heath only supplied PREP and PART on an
>> 8" floppy that would only boot and work in their H67 10meg hard
>> disk system.

Dan Lanciani wrote:
> Were the executables themselves really tied to running from
> that 8" floppy?

I don't know. When I had my H67, I just know you had to put that 8"
floppy in the drive, and boot from it. PREP and PART came up with no
hint of what operating system they contained. And, this 8" floppy was
unreadable by either CP/M or HDOS.
Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an
injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children, before they
are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily. - Thomas Szasz
Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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