[sebhc] memory for the h-8

Barry Watzman Watzman at neo.rr.com
Mon Aug 14 18:58:22 CDT 2006

Set up E-Bay searches with E-Mail notification for the following key words:


CompuPro, Godbout, SSM, "Solid State Music", "S-100 Memory", "S100 Memory",
Imsai, Altair, 'Seattle Computer".  That should get most of them.


Note, "S-100" (also S100) within the auction text is a really good search,
but unfortunately it will return too many false hits (hundreds or even


Most adds won't identify the memory chip type.  But since this is a static
memory board, you are looking for a 16K board with 32 memory chips or a 32K
memory board with 64 chips, and you can tell if it's static or dynamic by
the amount of non-memory chips on the board.  If a board looks "probable",
then you can ask the seller the type of chip.  Many of the CompuPro boards
used the 2147's, which I think will work (better, in fact), as well as the
4044's and the MM5257's.


Barry Watzman

Watzman at neo.rr.com




From: sebhc-bounces at sebhc.org [mailto:sebhc-bounces at sebhc.org] On Behalf Of
WVerish at aol.com
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 7:35 PM
To: sebhc at sebhc.org
Subject: Re: [sebhc] memory for the h-8


Dear Barry and everyone else who chimed-in on this question:


                 I think I will take your advice and keep looking for an
S-100 board on e-bay for the chips I need. I have found all the other
support chips for the board, so once I can locate the RAM chips I know I can
finish the assembly.



Thanks for all your advice.





P.S. If anyone comes across a lead please let me know.

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