[sebhc] Siemens Drive Terminator

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 7 13:14:52 CST 2006

From: Barry Watzman
>They don't have it.  They have 200 resistor networks, this isn't one of them.

Don't sweat it,Barry.I have planty; I'll just mail you one for free. It's out of a
Siemens FDD 100-5 drive, so I'm sure it's the right one. For the record, it is
a 14-pin DIP (not 16-pin). VCC to pin 14, GND to pin 7, just like any TTL IC.
Each of the other 12 pins has a 220 ohm resistor to VCC and a 330 ohm
resistor to GND. Part number is Allen-Bradley314E221331. This type of
teminator draws less 5v power and creates less RFI, but still terminates the
buss properly.

PS: The Wordstar manuals arrived back, safe and sound. Thanks!
Lee Hart
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