[sebhc] Siemens Drive Terminator

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 8 18:46:35 CST 2006

Barry Watzman wrote:
> That helps a lot ... it would be nice to confirm the pinout, but the fact
> that it's 220/330 ohms, plus being a 16-pin part, probably nails it down. 
> I was trying to find the p/n on the digikey page that I referenced, and
> they definitely have it (I think it's figure 6), but I can't tell how to
> specify the p/n from the information on that page.

No, it's 14 pin. Pin 14 is VCC, pin 7 is GND; all other pins have 220 ohms to 
VCC and 330 ohms to ground.

A terminator is in the mail to you, Barry.
Lee A. Hart    814 8th Ave N    Sartell MN 56377    leeahart at earthlink.net
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