[sebhc] H89 Power-up problems.

Mark Garlanger garlanger at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 20:56:04 CDT 2006

Now thinking about it, I'm not sure if the reset wasn't working or it
just kept reseting to a messed up state. After about 10 resets it did
come back to normal behavior. I've tried for a while and can't
reproduce it to double check.

As for the multiple H: prompts, when it happens, it is ghost
images(shaky screen, misplaced and lighter than normal). One H: prompt
that the video somehow decides to show in 3 locations at once. I'm
almost positive it's not multiple prompts from the CPU board.
Also of note, when it does work, and I turn it on in the 'off-line'
mode, NO beeps are heard, thus the TLB isn't generating the beep it is
supposed to.

This was an image I captured with my phone while I held the
'ctrl-reset' down during one of the messed up times(imaged stayed
until I released the keys). Sorry for the bad quality, it basically
had something like 'C', some graphic charaters, and a 'eM' repeated
several times sloping down across the screen


While it was on the screen I check the graphic mapping to see if it
made any valid words, it didn't.

On 7/8/06, Lee Hart <leeahart at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Mark Garlanger wrote:
> > It appears that the problem is the keyboard encoder chip. After a
> > couple of key presses today the screen went crazy... multiple 'H:'s
> > on the screen, then garbage, shift-reset not working then shift-reset
> > working... Nothing consistent.
> Hold on a sec: Shift-Reset does not go thru the keyboard encoder chip.
> If it doesn't work, there is some *other* problem.
> Multiple H: prompts say that either the CPU board is getting multiple
> RESET commands from the TLB, or that the CPU board itself has some
> problem that is causing it to randomly reset itself without any command
> from the TLB.
> --
> Ring the bells that still can ring
> Forget the perfect offering
> There is a crack in everything
> That's how the light gets in    --    Leonard Cohen
> --
> Lee A. Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, leeahart_at_earthlink.net
> --
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