[sebhc] FW: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

William Wilkinson billwilkinson at mindspring.com
Fri Jun 9 16:10:37 CDT 2006

In addition to what I typed below, I found that if you reply to
sebhc at evocative.com, it gets bounced.

William Wilkinson
billwilkinson at mindspring.com

> [Original Message]
> From: Mail Delivery System
<Mailer-Daemon at smtpauth07.mail.atl.earthlink.net>
> To: <billwilkinson at mindspring.com>
> Date: 6/9/2006 3:43:27 PM
> Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
> This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
> recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
>   sebhc at evocative.com
>     SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<sebhc at evocative.com>:
>     host mx1.evocative.com []: 550 <sebhc at evocative.com>:
>     Recipient address rejected: 5.1.1 <sebhc at evocative.com>... User
> ------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
> Return-path: <billwilkinson at mindspring.com>
> Received: from [] (helo=mindspring.com)
> 	by smtpauth07.mail.atl.earthlink.net with asmtp (Exim 4.34)
> 	id 1FonpF-0006E4-R4; Fri, 09 Jun 2006 16:43:26 -0400
> Message-ID: <380-22006659204320812 at mindspring.com>
> X-Priority: 3
> Reply-To: billwilkinson at mindspring.com
> X-Mailer: EarthLink MailBox 2005.2.116.0 (Windows)
> From: "William Wilkinson" <billwilkinson at mindspring.com>
> To: sebhc at evocative.com
> Subject: RE: [sebhc] question: evocative.com??
> Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 15:43:20 -0500
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> I'd noticed the other day that SEBHC messages were suddenly appearing in
> "suspect email" spam filter box instead of being passed on through. 
> sebhc at evocative.com and sebhc-bounces at evocative.com to the white list
> to have fixed the problem.
> The evocative web site seems to be a host for a number of businesses; is
> sebhc.org one that was previously aliased to the "org" extension or
> something--and then suddenly got dropped?
> I also noticed in the email headers that evocative is now using a firewall
> called Barracuda that's assigning a code that has something to do with the
> amount of spam content it perceives the message to have.  Some of the
> numbers look interesting, but I haven't taken the time yet to try to
> interpret them.  And if they do have some kind of meaning, why would *my*
> email host (Earthlink) care?
> Ideas, anybody?
> --Bill
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Steven Parker <sp11 at hotmail.com>
> > To: <sebhc at sebhc.org>
> > Date: 6/9/2006 2:56:05 PM
> > Subject: [sebhc] question: evocative.com??
> >
> > >I've been getting email from
> > >sebhc at evocative.com
> >
> > And the emails are coming through with:
> >
> > >Reply-To: sebhc at evocative.com
> >
> > I changed this one by hand to go to the "regular" address.  Has the
> > mail been moved to the evocative.com server farm?  Since the regular
> domain 
> > still works, can the reply default be changed to use it?
> >
> > -- Steven
> >
> >
> > --
> > Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List

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