[sebhc] SEBHC, Evocative, and me...

Patrick/VCM SysOp patrick at vintagecomputermarketplace.com
Fri Jun 9 19:03:22 CDT 2006


A couple of days ago, we made a long-overdue forklift upgrade to 
sendmail on one of our servers, the one which happens to handle the 
SEBHC mail list.  During that upgrade, I didn't notice that a default in 
sendmail's operation had changed, and I now need to specify a flag to 
keep it from rewriting certain addresses.

That's been found and fixed.  Sorry for any confusion this may have created.

Evocative, if anybody cares to know, is my company and the happy host 
and supporter of  both SEBHC and the Vintage Computer Marketplace.  And 
although I now deal mostly with Intel, Linux, and "words" bigger than 16 
bits, there's always an eight bit machine running on my desk of one kind 
or another.


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