[sebhc] Program to convert hex records to "tape" files

Frank Madis fjm_1948 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 17:39:42 CDT 2007

I would like to use the LOAD capability of the PAM8 on my H8 to upload programs that I have developed on my PC.  After looking through the sebhc directories, I found the file "h8t.com" which looks promising.  But, I did not see any documentation for this program.
  What I am hoping to accomplish is to convert an Intel Hex file (or S-Record) into a *.h8t file.  I will use the RS-232 port rather than the audio interface to upload the files.
  Please let me know whether "h8t.com" will do what I want and where I may get instructions for its use.  Otherwise, does anyone know of another program that do what I need?
  Thanks and best regards,

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