[sebhc] H8 hardware request - docs, info

Carroll Waddell CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
Sat Apr 10 20:34:19 CDT 2004

I was just wire wrapping on the H8-10 this afternoon. I have a 1 page 
drawing (rather large) of the assembly for the H8-10. I also have a 
scanner, and would be glad to scan it and send it to you or anyone else. 
I'm planning to use the wire wrap for circuit debugging, and then create 
some new boards for the H8. Currently working on a 64K memory card. I 
have the old 64K board (I can't remember who made it, but it wasn't 
heath) that doesn't work. My first goal is to re-create the old H8-5 
tape system. By the way, does anyone have the old CP/M boot diskette for 
the H8-17?

Jack Rubin wrote:

>There seem to be a fair number of folks interested in alternative
>interfaces or hardware mods for the H8. Anybody have manuals for the
>H8-7 breadboarding card or the the H8-10 wire wrap card? I'll be glad to
>scan and post if you have them.
>How about the Mullen extender? 
>Would there be any interest in developing a new prototyping card based
>on the H8-10? 
>Does anyone have any of these they would be willing to trade or sell?
>Bill P, Pat or Lee or any other hardware folks, do you have any layouts
>or drawings of prototyping cards?
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