[sebhc] H8-10

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Sun Apr 11 13:15:34 CDT 2004

That would be great - send what you can when you can and I will turn
them around right away.
Thanks - 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at staunch89er.com [mailto:sebhc at staunch89er.com] On 
> Behalf Of Walter Moore
> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:26 PM
> To: sebhc at staunch89er.com
> Subject: RE: [sebhc] H8-10
> Do I assume correctly that you want an unused H8-10 to copy 
> to make more boards?  I have two unused boards, but they do 
> have the edge connectors on them.  I could spend some time at 
> the de-solder station and probably get the connectors off.  I 
> could let one go for a while.
> How about the Mullen's extender board?  I never put the edge 
> connectors on mine, so that would be even less work.  Once 
> again, I could let it go for a while if the goal it to make more.
> I could just package it up with some of the manuals you 
> wanted to scan (I have them all, save on postage).  Let me know.
> ..walt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at staunch89er.com [mailto:sebhc at staunch89er.com] On 
> Behalf Of Jack Rubin
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:41 PM
> To: sebhc at staunch89er.com
> Subject: [sebhc] H8-10
> ... Since it's working, I'm not anxious to tear it down for 
> copying, but it would be nice to have another one to work with! ...
> --
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