[sebhc] H8 hardware request - docs, info

Carroll Waddell CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
Sat Apr 10 20:53:10 CDT 2004

PS There might be interest in the H8-10. I do have 1 card left that I 
would trade for an H8-17 drive controller.
A new H8-10 card would not be difficult to design, but it would be 
necessary to get a PCB house to create the board. I make a number of 2 
sided printed circuit boards, but the largest blank board that I have 
found is 6 x 9. I use Positive Photo Resist boards.

Just a little about myself, I am a retired IBM engineer. Retired after 
30 years. I still like to build things.

Jack Rubin wrote:

>There seem to be a fair number of folks interested in alternative
>interfaces or hardware mods for the H8. Anybody have manuals for the
>H8-7 breadboarding card or the the H8-10 wire wrap card? I'll be glad to
>scan and post if you have them.
>How about the Mullen extender? 
>Would there be any interest in developing a new prototyping card based
>on the H8-10? 
>Does anyone have any of these they would be willing to trade or sell?
>Bill P, Pat or Lee or any other hardware folks, do you have any layouts
>or drawings of prototyping cards?
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