[sebhc] H8 hardware request - docs, info
Dave Dunfield
dave04a at dunfield.com
Tue Apr 13 16:40:09 CDT 2004
At 15:09 13/04/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>I am currently working to restore an H8 tape system. I still have binary
>images of the original Heath tapes stored in my PC. As soon as I can
>re-create them, I will be happy to send you a set. (If it's legal. I'm
>not sure who holds the copyright on the tapes.
Hi Carroll,
Thanks, I would appreciate that very much. If you prefer, you could just
email me the binary images, and I can recreate audio media myself.
Regarding the copyright issue, I believe I do have the appropriate legal
permission to use the code, since I have acquired an original H8 system
which did at one time have this software ... I can send photos of the
software manuals if you would consider that as "acceptable proof".
The problem is that this particular H8 was passed through several people who
didn't really have an interest in it, but had the good sense to realize that
it should be kept out of the landfill - The machine and the large binder of
documenation survived in very good condition, but somewhere along the way,
someone forgot about the cassette tapes. It my attempts to backtrack to find
the tapes, it looks like they probably did go to the landfill, as one of the
previous owners recalls doing a "big purge" of old junk a number of years back...
Anyway, no trace of the original tapes can be found.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com Vintage computing equipment collector.
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