[sebhc] RE: SEBHC ftp site coming soon

Carroll Waddell CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
Fri Apr 16 07:31:52 CDT 2004

I have the original PAM8 rom in a box. When I have a few minutes, I'll 
try to read it in my EPROM programmer. If it works, I'll send you an 
image of the ROM.
Carroll Waddell

Steven Parker wrote:

> Jack says:
>> The SEBHC ftp site will be available shortly (by this weekend if not
>> sooner).
> Neat.  What's the actual URL for this site?  Will we be able to 
> contribute by uploading directly to it?
> I'm still hoping for some ROM images or dumps.  Does anyone have them, 
> or have a machine set up they could get them from?  Specifically, 
> PAM-8, PAM8GO, PAM-37 and H-17 (the boot ROM on the interface board).
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