[sebhc] ROM images, sebhc ftp

Lee Hart leeahart at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 16 11:49:51 CDT 2004

Jack Rubin wrote:
> Steven,
> I can dump the ROMs from my H8 as a text file using DBUG - not pretty,
> but I expect you're kind of used to that! My system is a "classic" so I
> can provide PAM8 and H17; Eric Rothfus has a Z80 running so he should be
> able to come up with PAM37, but I don't know about PAM8GO.
> What format is best, given the DBUG options - octal, byte, word, etc.? I
> did take a peak at the H17 ROM last night and saw the JGL HEATH tag at
> the end - with all that extra space, he could have squeezed in another
> function!
> I was really hoping to come up with clean files that could be used to
> reburn functional ROMs, which is why I was after chip types - I don't
> want to destroy my working set with the wrong voltage or pin settings. I
> wouldn't mind a copy of PAM8GO myself - it would preserve my keytops!
> Sounds like this is what Carroll will be able to provide.
> I also have the source listings for several of these ROMs, but I'm
> assuming you want the actual dumps rather than the listings.
> Jack
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sebhc at staunch89er.com [mailto:sebhc at staunch89er.com] On
> > Behalf Of Steven Parker
> > Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 12:05 AM
> > To: sebhc at staunch89er.com
> > Subject: [sebhc] RE: SEBHC ftp site coming soon
> >
> >
> > Jack says:
> > >The SEBHC ftp site will be available shortly (by this weekend if not
> > >sooner).
> >
> > Neat.  What's the actual URL for this site?  Will we be able
> > to contribute
> > by uploading directly to it?
> >
> > I'm still hoping for some ROM images or dumps.  Does anyone
> > have them, or
> > have a machine set up they could get them from?  Specifically, PAM-8,
> > PAM8GO, PAM-37 and H-17 (the boot ROM on the interface board).

I have Intel HEX format files for all the H89 ROMs. This is an easy
format to burn EPROMs from; all EPROM programmers recognize it, and CP/M
has no trouble reading and writing it. The H-17 ROM (444-19) is the same
one used in the H8.

It is interesting that none of the H89 ROMs have any copyright notices
printed on them, or hidden in the code inside. Heath also widely
distributed the source code for them in printed form (the source code
*did* usually have copyright notices). My assumption is that Heath was
very open to distribution of the ROMs themselves (after all, they would
only work in Heath equipment).
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the
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Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  leeahart_at_earthlink.net

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