[sebhc] H8-5 Manuals

Dave Dunfield dave04a at dunfield.com
Sat Apr 17 12:10:06 CDT 2004

At 13:05 17/04/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have the manuals for the H8-5 that I could borrow and copy?
>Carroll Waddell

I'm planning to scan them (if someone else hasn't done so already) - I
can bump that up the list and try and get it done this weekend if you
can't find anything closer. (Once scanned, I can arrange to have it put
somewhere for you to download sometime next week).

dave04a (at)    Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot)  Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com             Vintage computing equipment collector.

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