[sebhc] H8 connectors

Dwight K. Elvey dwight.elvey at amd.com
Tue Apr 20 16:05:37 CDT 2004

Hi Jack
 It sounds like good stuff. There is also a product that
one can get through HiFi shops but I forget the name.
The trick with any of these things is that they have
poor film strength ( don't make very good lubricants )
and keep the air from the contacts. One does have to be
careful. Some of these things can harm some types of
plastics. That is why I've stuck with the DC#4. I know
that is doesn't dissolve any plastics.
 The film strength issue is why ordinary petroleum lubes
don't work.
 Some of the products like you have here work better than
DC#4 in salt environments, like on boats. The DC#4 tends
to react and make a glass like oxide. If auto people are
using it, it most likely works wonders. This is about
the nasties environment that a person can thing of.

>From: "Jack Rubin" <jack.rubin at ameritech.net>
>You're coming in loud and clear - 
>I've used Nyogel 759G in the same role - this is a synthetic grease
>designed specifically for lubricating tin-lead contacts and
>reducing/preventing fretting corrosion. It's been superceded by 760G
>which also includes a copper deactivator, but either will do wonders for
>reducing board insertion force and wiping wear on pin contacts. You
>won't believe the difference on an H8 board after you've applied a
>coating to the pins. It's even more dramatic on the large pins on a
>SWTPc system. Take a look at www.nyelubricants.com for a lot more info
>on their various synthetic lubricants - the white papers on multi-pin
>automotive products and the like are pretty interesting. The Big Three
>automakes all specify these lubes for assembly of their wiring harness
>connectors. The stuff sells for about $50 for a 500g (1 lb) container;
>I'm negotiating a partial container and will resell some if people are
>The other part of this process - which should really come first - is
>cleaning the contacts - if you don't know about Caig Labs products, take
>a look here - www.caig.com . I use DeOxit to clean old contacts
>(including ICs and sockets) and then, at least for bus connectors,
>follow up with Nyogel. Great for keyboards too.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: sebhc at sebhc.org [mailto:sebhc at sebhc.org] On Behalf Of 
>> Dwight K. Elvey
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:00 PM
>> To: sebhc at sebhc.org
>> Subject: Re: [sebhc] H8 connectors
>> Hi
>>  Before everyone replaces all their connectors, remember what 
>> I've said about the silicon grease ( DC#4 ). It is really 
>> quite remarkable how well it works. I also keep and repair 
>> pinball machines. The older solid state ones use the larger 
>> tin pin connectors. Over the years, these get flaky. Applying 
>> some of the grease and a few insertions brings them back to 
>> life. No soldering or desoldering that can damage the boards. Dwight
>> ( Why do I keep getting the feeling that no one is listening. )
>> >From: "Lee Hart" <leeahart at earthlink.net>
>> >
>> >Carroll Waddell wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> I was wondering how many people would be interested in 
>> getting some 
>> >> gold plated H8 card connectors. I would like some, but 
>> can't spring 
>> >> for the large number that some dealers require.
>> >
>> >I would buy a dozen.
>> >--
>> >"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the
>> >world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has!" -- Margaret Meade
>> >--
>> >Lee A. Hart  814 8th Ave N  Sartell MN 56377  
>> leeahart_at_earthlink.net
>> >
>> >--
>> >Delivered by the SEBHC Mailing List
>> >
>> --
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