[sebhc] Are the gods friendly?

Carroll Waddell CarrollWaddell at sc.rr.com
Tue Apr 27 19:43:36 CDT 2004

Actually, I would like to see or appropriate the source code listing for 
just about anything, or everything. Extended BH Basic, CP/M 2.2, PAM8, 
etc. I would like to be able to recompile the ASM source for some of 
this stuff. Years ago, I wrote parallel printer routines into CPM, and a 
few other things.

Walter Moore wrote:

>Two lab power supplies, one HP 1662 logic analyzer, a Tektronics 4 channel
>scope, logic probe, pulser and current tracer, meter and whatever else, and
>I'm ready to figure out why my old Remex 8" disks (which haven't been used
>in almost 20 years) would not step.
>In the end, what the drive really needed was a $5 can of a good synthetic
>lubricant.  Cleaned the rails for the head, lubed them per the manual, and I
>managed to boot from an 8" drive for the first time since maybe '84.
>So maybe in a couple of weeks when I get back into town I can see if there
>is anything of interest on the old 8" disks.  I did have the original H19
>source code on disk at one time, compiled for Microsoft's M80 assembler.
>Does anybody know if it is OK to post this?  I also have a version which was
>much improved that I wrote.
>I also have the complete HDOS 2.0 source listings which I was planning to
>scan at some point (it was only $195 back in '81).  Is this something that
>should be done?  Does somebody already have it in source format?  Can we
>post it?
>Also, I have an HP 6270C (hum, I always thought it was a 6250...) scanner
>which I hardly ever used.  This was a SCSI and USB 1.1 scanner with document
>feeder.  If anybody wants to give it a try and a new home, I will be happy
>to send it their way.  I cannot at this moment guarantee that it works.  I
>still have the machine I used it on.  I will try and hook it up to see if it
>still works.  The software that came with it was for Windows 98.
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