[sebhc] Hello to all H-8 Users!

West, Ronald S. RONALD.S.WEST at saic.com
Fri Jun 4 11:12:10 CDT 2004


Would be interested in hearing what modifications were made to the OS to
accommodate the 10 Meg drive. Might be interesting to see the driver for
that device also.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at sebhc.org [mailto:sebhc at sebhc.org] On Behalf Of 
> Collado, Norberto
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 11:30 AM
> To: sebhc at sebhc.org
> Subject: RE: [sebhc] Hello to all H-8 Users!
> Hello Ron,
> 	If I recall properly my H-8 was booting CP/M and H-DOS 
> from the 10 meg hard drive. It was using the SASI interface 
> card from Heathkit to a controller than converted from SASI 
> protocol to MFM format. SASI was replaced by SCSI. An 
> alternate option will be to find a converter from IDE to SCSI 
> (http://www.provantage.com/buy-7ADDO13U-ide-scsi-converter-win
> 32-dos-lin
> ux-mac-addonics-adaec7726h-shopping.htm) and update H-DOS or 
> CP/M to handle it. 
> 	I think it will be easier to use your design. If you 
> can use a single PAL for your design that will be great!  I 
> will loved  to upgrade to an IDE to keep the system going, 
> because eventually my MFM disk drive will stop working and 
> then will be back to floppies again. I will need to put 
> together my H-8 to give you more information and changes we 
> did back them to the OS to support the MFM 10 Meg hard drives.
> Norberto 
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