
Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Mon Mar 29 18:38:09 CST 2004

   * to post to the list send mail to sebhc at staunch89er.com *

We're up to about 30 subscribers at this point, so let me wish you all
welcome and invite you to sign on. 

You might want to share a bit about yourself and your current 8-bit
Heath interests and activities.

I have a growing collection of H8, H89 and Z100 machines in various
degrees of (dis)repair, but the H8 is my favorite. My personal quest is
to build a functional Trionyx box with Trionyx motherboard, 64K (or
more) of Trionyx RAM, 4-MHz Trionyx Z80 cpu and hex front panel and
running HDOS 3. Sitting next to it will be my early H8 with cassette and
paper tape. I think I'll pass on the H9.

More globally, I have several hopes for the list, but the major one is
to preserve and exchange information that is quickly evaporating. We
will have an ftp site online shortly which will be a repository for
documentation and software. 

Experiences restoring, rennovating and updating systems is welcome.

Several members are working on imaging and emulations; I hope we can
come up with common formats and shared procedures.

But mostly, we're here to support each other and continue the fellowship
of "hobby computing". 


Jack Rubin
Wilmette, Illinois

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