[sebhc] Magnolia

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Wed Mar 31 17:56:31 CST 2004

> I have documentation for all the Heath cards, as well as the 
> Magnolia #77316 floppy controller and #77318 128K memory 
> board. Your timing was perfect, as I was just about to send 
> it off to Jake Rubin tomorrow. Do you want me to make a copy 
> of it before I do?

I hope that Brad Gjerding (founder of Magnolia) will be joining us in
the near future. With his permission, I will be happy to share scans of
any available Magnolia docs.
> You also need the Magnolia boot ROM and I/O decoder. I think 
> I have both of these as well. Finally, you need Magnolia 
> CP/M. I do not think I have any bootable Magnolia CP/M disks, 
> but maybe someone out there does.
> -- 

Don Maslin has many flavors of Heath/Zenith CP/M available at 
http://www.gaby.de/sysdisk.htm :
                      HEATH/ZENITH H89/90

Name         Format   Description
CPM22041      SSDD    Heath/Zenith CP/M-2.2.04 for H89/90 w/ H-37 contr.
CPM22042      SSDD      /
CPM22043      SSDD     /
CPM2204S      SSDD    /
MAG-HZ37      SSDD    Magnolia CP/M-2.2 for use w/ H-37 controller
MAG-128K      SSDD     /                         \ 77318 (128k) board
MAG-CORV      SSDD    /                           \77314 board, Corvus
                                                    & Remex drives
USCDSTRT      SSDD    UCSD p-System for HZ89/90 w/ HX-37 & HZ-17
UCSDSYS1      SSDD        /
UCSDSYS2      SSDD       /
UCSDUTIL      SSDD      /
UCSDZINT      SSDD     /

If there is significant interest, I'll ask him if we can mirror the
images here. I've still got to replace the exploding tantalum capacitors
on my Magnolia machine - Smokey II? - before I can test the controller.


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