[sebhc] Magnolia

Paul Pennington paulpenn at knology.net
Wed Mar 31 22:27:25 CST 2004


    Just ventured into the attic and rescued three binders of info on my
H/Z-90 and Magnolia Microsystems soft sector contriller.  Do you have these
half-size booklets:

    1.  Magnolia Microsystems Monitor EPROM 444-84B for the Heath/Zenith Z89
and Z90 Computer Systems, Revised 11/8/82.

    2.  Installing Magnolia Microsystems' 77316 Double Density Disk
Controller in a Heath/Zenith Z89 or Z90 Computer System, Revised 11/8/82.

    Let me know if you have those and we'll go from there.

    There was also a 1983 Heathkit Christmas Catalog in there -- quite a
nostalgia trip.

    Paul Pennington
    Augusta, Georgia

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