[sebhc] Emulation.. and XCON8

Steven Parker sp11 at hotmail.com
Sun May 23 20:38:40 CDT 2004

Walter says:
>I still believe that it would be easy to trap at the read/write
>vectors and not have to emulate the disk at the I/O level, I just need to
>figure out how.

Dunno about "easy" .. maybe "possible".  :-)   But still any user code 
wanting to play with the ports wouldn't work.

>I guess the 444-70 ROM image in the archives is incorrect since it
>only contains the XCON/RAM8GO code, and not the 030.000 binary.

Good catch.  I temporarily reconstructed it by appending the H17 rom to it, 
but would whomever originally uploaded it (or anyone with a system running 
it) send me a fresh dump so I can confirm it?

>very curious about any differences between the H-17 ROM and the version
>contained with the XCON/RAM8GO ROM.

I'm assuming no difference - but I'll let you know when I get the chance to 


- Steven

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