[sebhc] Can I have BBQ Sauce with my foot...

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Mon May 24 07:15:11 CDT 2004

> >
> > >  When there is no RAM at 000.000, no copy is
> > > done,
> >
> > yes, but...
> >
> > > none of the 030.xxx routines get installed, no booting occurs, on 
> > > either the H-47 or the H-17 (from my tests).
> >
> > if you have the H-17 in place, there is ROM at 030.xxx and 
> the system 
> > should boot from the H-17 drives as advertised.
> Anybody want to power up a system with XCON, without RAM at 
> 000.000 and tell me if they still have their H-17 controller 
> ROM visible?

There were several "optional" system mods to the H17 controller and the
CPU card in addition to replacing the PAM ROM with XCON to allow org-0
booting - essentially setting up ROM shadowing for the lower 8k. If you
are presently booting a 64K (ie. org-0) system, you would need to
reverse the ROM de-select mods as well. I'll try to set up a 56K XCON
system and report back to you.


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