[sebhc] Emulator fixes / additions
Dave Dunfield
dave04a at dunfield.com
Thu May 27 05:34:17 CDT 2004
At 23:52 26/05/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>Before I forget, Dwight found a pristine HDOS 1.0 image .. I put it in the
>disk-images. He also sent me 2 bootable images with basic games .. they are
>chase.h8d and bgames.h8d under "other".
Cool - have you tried booting it in the emulator?
>>OK - I have implemented this - a HLT with interrupt disabled just freezes
>I assume you mean "enabled". It does seem to work now.
Yeah - typo - see my previous post about why this is not a great feature!
>>- I've made the H17 optional. Basically, the H17 ROM and I/O ports ...
>...and the H17 write-protectable RAM?
The write protected RAM defaults to "writeable" at startup (why protect it,
it contains 0's on the emulator, or garbage on the H8) - it will not be
write protected until the write protect bit is written to the control port
- since the control port does not appear in the map until the H17 is
"installed", the RAM is writeable if the H17 is not installed.
>> At some point I'll create a custom library for my Micro-C/PC compiler
>> will let you write virtual I/O devices in 'C'.
>How cool! And will it also have access to the H8 memory (DMA)? Doesn't
>need to get invoked on access, but just read/write it when it DOES run.
There's a lot more interesting values available via the ES:BX handler data
pointer than I have currently documented, One of which is the segment address
of the virtual 8080 64K address space - I am going to rearrange the area to
put the more useful (to IO handlers) values first, then I will document them,
allowing access to 8080 Memory as well as certain other siulator internals.
>> we could easily turn them OFF, and allow all of memory to be RAM -
>> currently no I/O port for doing this, but it could be easily added.
>Wow, you are really close to having the XCON configuration implemented.
>> [Unfortuntely, you can't do this when starting the simulator because
>> dies if all memory is RAM - its "find end of memory" test wraps to 0000
>> and it continues forever]
>Even with XCON, on reset you need to switch the rom(s) back on. After the
>I/O port, the only other thing you'd need for XCON is a way to set the boot
>control switch positions that it reads (cmd line parms?). I attached a
>mtr.acm excerpt to the end of this mail with the port and bit definitions.
>** I/O Ports
>IP.CON EQU 362Q H-88/H-89/HA-8-8 Configuration
>OP2.CTL EQU 362Q H-88/H-89/HA-8-8 Control Port
>** Front Panel Control Bits
>* CB2.* set in OP2.CTL
>CB2.SSI EQU 00000001B Single Step Interrupt
>CB2.CLI EQU 00000010B Clock Interrupt Enable
>CB2.ORG EQU 00100000B ORG 0 Select
>CB2.SID EQU 01000000B Side 1 Select
How do the "Single Step" and "Clock Enable" bits work in conjunction
with the existing H8 bits of the same function in port $F0 (360)?
>** Configuration Flags
>* These bits are read in IP.CON
>CN.174M EQU 00000011B Port 174Q Device-Type Mask
>CN.170M EQU 00001100B Port 170Q Device-Type Mask
What do these mean?
>CN.PRI EQU 00010000B Primary/Secondary: 1=>primary == 170Q
>CN.MEM EQU 00100000B Memory Test/Normal Switch: 0=>Test;
>CN.BAU EQU 01000000B Baud Rate: 0=>9600; 1=>19,200
How is the baud rate set in hardware - on the H5, you can't select beween
9600 and 19200 in software, choices are x16 or x64, normally 9600 & 2400.
>CN.ABO EQU 10000000B Auto-Boot: 1=>Auto-Boot
>CND.H17 EQU 00B H-17 Disk, Valid only in CN.174M
>CND.NDI EQU 00B No Device Installed, Valid only in CN.170M
>CND.H47 EQU 01B H-47 Disk
Is there a "ORG 0" option which works with PAM-8?
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com Vintage computing equipment collector.
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