[sebhc] Re: [HEATH-TEMPE] H-89 Computer

Dwight K. Elvey dwight.elvey at amd.com
Thu Sep 15 16:07:30 CDT 2005

 Adding a IDE drive is the simplest. It is just
some latches to expand 8 to 16 bits, bus buffers
and some software. Ahh. There's the rub, some

>From: "Bob And Bettina Groh" <rgroh at swbell.net>
>Two distinct possibilities:
>1.    good old eBay. H-89s show up there frequently. External Harddrive 
>is an interesting option! Kind of wish my H-89 had a hard drive.
>2.    drop a line to the guys on the Heath computer mailing list - in 
>fact, I am copying this over to there to see what happens.
>I have been using both avenue's to selectively reduce my Heathkit 
>computer stock.  You will certainly get some interest although you may 
>not get rich!
>Best of luck.
>Bob Groh, WA2CKY
>Note: anyone interested should contact Phil directly at <PErnvall at AOL.COM>
>Phil Ernvall wrote:
>>I have a Heathkit H-89 I built about 1983 plus external 8MB HD  and MX-80 
>>printer.  Last time I fired it up (20 yrs ago?) it  operated.  Any ideas on 
>>I can find a good home for this?   Thanks.  
>>Phil E.
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