[sebhc] H89s, h19s, Z100 available

Dan Lanciani ddl-cctech at danlan.com
Fri Jan 6 15:36:21 CST 2006

|From: <jmacgraith at cox.net>
|I am interested in an H19 and an H89. I am in in Hartford and could be there at your convenience.

Ok, Jack now has all the equipment.  It turns out that I had forgotten
that I had upgraded one of the H89s with an H37 soft sector controller
and associated power supply and monitor enhancements.  I also had the
full soft sector controller manual with schematics.  I think there were
some complaints that the copy in the archive was incomplete, so whoever
is interested might want to prevail upon Jack to get it scanned...

				Dan Lanciani
				ddl at danlan.*com
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