[sebhc] Re-creating actual floppies from archive

Dwight Elvey dwight.elvey at amd.com
Mon Mar 13 11:23:36 CST 2006

Hi John
 As Robin notes, so far, all of the images
on the ftp are for hard sectored drives and not
for soft sectored ( as far as I know ).
There is a utility on the ftp, that I wrote,
that you can use to bootstrap your machine
to a bootable disk if it is hard sectored.
You need a PC running DOS ( not a DOS window
under windows but boots to DOS ). You'll
need a cable connecting the PC to a serial
card in the the H89 on the printer port
( You'll need to make sure the wires are
1 to 1 in the serial cable and that the
serial card has the normal jumpering ).
 You enter about 50 bytes from the monitor
that loads a basic serial loader. You then
download from the PC a disk driver that
will create a bootable disk from one of the
OS images on the ftp.
 You need to follow the instructions exactly
that come with the program. Most all failures
to work are caused by missing some step.
 Of course, you'll need some 10 hard sectored disk
as well.

>From: "John Maxwell" <maxwell at acsu.buffalo.edu>
>Hi All,
>    I have downloaded several floppy images from the archives and was 
>searching for a utility to convert them back to real floppies. None of 
>my three H89s have a boot diskette at the moment, so I would need to 
>create diskettes on an IBM PC. Does anybody have a verified method for 
>doing this? I looked in the archive folders and didn't find anything 
>that was apparent.
>    Could somebody please point me to an IBM utility for doing this? I 
>would appreciate it.
>    Take care,
>       -John
>| John Maxwell            | Disclaimer -                             |
>| Equipment Repair Tech   |   "I know you believe you understand     |
>| SUNY at Buffalo         |    what you think I typed but,           |
>| B10 Lockwood Hall       |    I am not sure you realize that what   |
>| Buffalo, NY 14260       |    you have read is not what I meant."   |
>| V-Mail: (716) 645-3900  x116                                       |
>| E-Mail: maxwell at acsu.buffalo.edu                                   |
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