[sebhc] Re: Welcome

Jack Rubin jack.rubin at ameritech.net
Mon Mar 29 21:34:40 CST 2004


One of my ongoing questions regarding sharing "old" docs is the
copyright issue. "Heathkit Educational Systems" still exists in Benton
Harbor, MI, and claims to continue 75+ years of "the Heathkit approach".
They also sell copies of (some) manuals. At the same time, there are
several longtime vendors who also sell copies of Heathkit (and many
other) copyrighted manuals. Has the trademark been abandoned? Is the
owner/operator of a website providing copies of this material in
violation of copyright law and liable to prosecution? Have you had any
relevant experiences (pro or con) with the retroarchive material?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebhc at staunch89er.com [mailto:sebhc at staunch89er.com] On 
> Behalf Of Gene Buckle
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 9:12 PM
> Subject: [sebhc] Re: Welcome
> > You might want to share a bit about yourself and your current 8-bit 
> > Heath interests and activities.
> >
> I don't have much in the way of Heath hardware beyond the 
> tweaked H-89/Z-90 I bought from Lee Hart a few years ago.
> I do have what I think is a complete set of the Staunch 
> 8/89'er newsletters and as time permits, I'm trying to get 
> them scanned and online.
> If anyone has documentation or data relating to any Heathkit 
> or Zenith computer, I'd be happy to store it at the 
> Retrocomputing Archive - http://www.retroarchive.org.
> tnx!
> g.
> --
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