[sebhc] Re: Welcome & Bio

Eric J. Rothfus eric at rothfus.com
Wed Mar 31 09:31:59 CST 2004

As for me, I started my Heathkit experiences back in 1980
(or so) with the 3400 trainer.  This was on the heels of
my first computer experience, with the TRS-80 Model I in
the late 70's.

This started my career of computer-related "stuff"...
everything from software, to hardware, to semi-conductors.
I spend my early years as a hardware/software engineer,
but have since moved on into the "wonderful world" of

And now I'm collecting the old machines.  Why?  Nostagia
partially, but also it gives me the opportunity to be
an engineer again.

My collection consists of the various models of the
"second generation" machines: the TRS-80, Apple ][,
Commodore (including one of my favorites, the chiclet
keyboarded PET 2001), Atari, TI, and the Heathkit H89
(actually a Z89).  My "first generation" collection is
far smaller, currently, and consists of the DG Nova 3,
Kim-1, and H8.  I have an IMSAI coming soon.

My collection has the dubious distinction that everything
works.  Granted, not every PART of everything, :-) but
all of the machines boot, and can run software.

My recent project, which some great guys on this list are
helping me with, is a floppy emulator called the "SVD"
(which stands for the Semi-Virtual Disk).  As I was
working on my old machines, I continually ran into the
problem of finding software to run on them.  Note that
although I love software emulators, I love seeing the old
software run on the old machines even more.

Fortunately, most of the software exists SOMEWHERE.  But
the tough part is getting the software to run ON the
machine.  So I built the SVD to allow me to run downloaded
software on the old machines through the existing floppy
interface.  In other words, you can hook up the SVD to the
floppy cable of the old machine, download a diskette image
from your PC to the SVD, and boot the old machine.

So the SVD now supports the TRS-80 Models I/III/IV and the
H8/H89 hard-sector.  I'm working on support for my other
old machines and won't stop until they ALL work!  :-)
The Northstar is next on the list, and then the Apple ][.
Other "easier" machines will be sprinkled in, such as the
CoCo.  Head on over to www.theSVD.com for more info.

I'm a big proponent of archiving all of the old software
and documentation.  Fortunately, there are a few very good
sites, and people who are rapidly getting the software and
doc up and available.  I have just a few floppy images on
my site, but am anxious to help expand it and/or another

Anyway, that's a long-winded intro to what I'm up to.  Big
thanks to Jack and the guys for getting this list up!

Note to those guys who responded to my request a couple
months ago for HDOS information - I have the HDOS file
system up and running on the SVD now...thanks for your

Eric Rothfus
eric at rothfus.com

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